You can find part one here, part two here, part three here, part four here, and part five here. Also, remember to grab your notebook.
So far, we have talked about creating some rules to align your mindset with achieving great things and performing at your best, we talked about how you can achieve a dream lifestyle by creating content that attracts your dream client, we covered the how-to of my content creation method and how it is rooted in “document over create,” we talked about the different types of content you can create and the different platforms you can build upon. We talked about establishing your why, finding your platform, and learning what your non-negotiables will be; we touched on content planning and defining the who, and then, yesterday, we wrapped up the who section and dove deep into content strategy.
Today, we are talking about goals.
We all should have a set of personal goals and a set of professional goals, but what you really need to focus on is making sure your goals in each category align with one another.
This will lend to work-life balance.
Personal goals should energize and fulfill you, while professional goals should challenge and motivate your career growth. When these two are balanced:
- Your personal life…