Just Friends or Besties?

Jordan Schilleci
4 min readMay 17, 2024

I woke up multiple times last night after going to bed a little after 7 p.m. I was exhausted after accidentally only getting 5 hours of sleep, but more occupying my mind was the storm we had just passed through, the damage that I knew had been done all around my city, and the tiny fact that we had no electricity.

To say I have been running (I know it is supposed to be burning) at both ends is an understatement, and the fact that I just slept over 10 hours might be proof of that. When I reset my alarm for 4:30 a.m. I accidentally left off Friday, so I realized this when I finally checked the clock at 5:30 a.m..

I have bedtimes, but when you are in the middle of discovering or writing something, you can’t just turn that off. That is how many of my evenings this week have developed.

So, this morning, I woke up a little empty of words. Instead, I began creating using a different format. And I am ready to present to you what I built.

Announcing: The Content Newsletter Subscription with the Jo & Community Membership

I know I teased at this concept the other day, but it has finally been put to paper (aka a Stan Store landing page, lol).

When I tell people I want to be friends or besties with them, I truly mean it, and the benefits of the two membership levels I am providing hopefully make that very apparent. I really do want to change the world, and I know that starts with one person at a time.

Let’s Be Friends — Membership

We are looking for our founding members.

Included in The Content Newsletter Subscription & Membership:

  • Physical copy of the content newsletter delivered monthly to your mailbox
  • Membership in Jo & Community
  • Mindset Monday Broadcasts
  • Monthly Masterclass with Jo on a relevant topic with a Q&A session
  • Monthly Tech Talks
  • Weekly Email From Jo
  • Monthly Guest Speaker Masterclass


  • Industry-related masterclasses, starting with real estate.
  • Anniversary gift each year

What you get just for becoming a founding member:

  • “I am present.” T-Shirt
  • Sneak Peek into my first book before it hits the shelves.
  • Founding Members Only Virtual AMA (Ask Me Anything) Event

Three Printed Books:

  • Pursuit of Self
  • Pursuit of Harmony
  • Pursuit of Truth

Let’s Be Besties — Membership

(You get all of the above and all of the below. If signing up for bestie, you will first need to sign up for the friend membership, and the following page will show you the bestie membership.)
My goal is for us to grow and learn together. If you want an elevated experience, becoming a “Bestie” might be a good fit.

As a bestie, your additional membership benefits include:

  • Exclusive Access to Separate Community Just for Besties
  • Email Access to Jo (just hit reply on the weekly emails!)
  • Additional Monthly Call with Jo
  • Besties Only BTS Instagram Channel

Bestie Pricing for:

  • 1-on-1 Calls with Jo
  • All In-Person Events

Opportunities To:

  • Attend Bestie Only Retreats
  • Lead Workshops or Masterclasses in Jo & Community
  • Be a “Hot Seat” for Focused Live Coaching Calls
  • Be Featured in the Spotlight Section of The Content Newsletter
  • Be a Podcast Guest
  • Serve on the Bestie “Advisory Board”
  • Two-For-One on All Book Launches (buy one, get one free once per launch)
  • Annual Bestie Appreciation Gift
  • Early Access to New Opportunities
  • Coming Soon: Access to a Bestie-Only Resource Vault
  • Coming Soon: Bestie T-Shirt


I cannot believe we are here. The underlined titles above will take you to the subscription page, but here it is again: https://stan.store/Joandcoaching/letsbemorethanfriends.

This thing I am building, is really a “we” thing. We are building this together.

My ultimate goal is to teach you how to be present in your life, and exactly how this is possible will be unfolding on the pages of the Newsletter, the community support we establish, the course I am creating, and the book I am writing (y’all, this thing feels like it is writing itself).

I hope you decide to walk this “content” path and “be present” journey with me.

With love and hugs, Jo.



Daily Writings — Medium will email you each time I publish — Link
The Content Newsletter & Jo & Community Membership — Link


Instagram: https://instagram.com/jordanschilleci
Hire Jo: https://stan.store/joandcoaching
Email Jo: jo@byjoandco.com


New Ebook — How to Survive & Thrive as a Realtor Right Now: Link


